Wps Office Template

  1. Wps Templates Free Download
  2. Online Templates For Wps Office
  3. Wps Office Invoice Template
  4. Wps Office Templates
  1. WPS Template is your ideal choice for a totally free, all-in-one online templates platform which contains abundant Writer, Spreadsheets, and Presentation templates. WPS Office for windows/MAC/Android supported. Advertising Exquisite.pptx. Flamingo and Blackboard Style Wedding Template.pptx.
  2. . Templates WPS’s popular template service offers users a rich gallery of high-quality online templates and resources created by professional designers. You can easily access the best templates in almost any category, including resumes, memos, and presentations.
  3. Microsoft offers a vast selection of free or premium Office templates for everyday use. Create a custom photo card, pitch your million-dollar idea, or plan your next family vacation with Microsoft Office templates. Find the perfect tool for your task or occasion with PowerPoint, Excel, and Word templates.

WPS Template is your ideal choice for a totally free, all-in-one online templates platform which contains abundant Writer, Spreadsheets, and Presentation templates. This template is for a simple #10 envelope. Should be useful to someone who can't be bothered to make their own template, at least. Page margins are designed for my own printer - YMMV.

WPS Office for Linux is a proprietary alternative for Microsoft Office with a modern UI which supports cross-device file transfer and cloud backup. The suite contains Writer, Presentation and Spreadsheets.



Install wps-officeAUR from AUR. wps, et, wpp, wpspdf are the commands to start WPS Writer, WPS Spreadsheets, WPS Presentation and WPS PDF, respectively.


Wps Templates Free Download

  • you can optionally install the font wps need: ttf-wps-fontsAUR

Language aids

Interface language

To change interface language of WPS you can install wps-office-mui-fr-frAUR[broken link: package not found] for French, wps-office-mui-ja-jpAUR[broken link: package not found] for Japanese, etc. Then set your language by selecting Review->Spell Check->Set Language to choose your language and restart WPS.

Spell checking

For spell checking, you need to install wps-office-extension-german-dictionaryAUR[broken link: package not found]for German, wps-office-extension-french-dictionaryAUR[broken link: package not found]for French, etc. Then, customize spell check by selecting Tool -> Options -> Language -> choose to choose your language and restart WPS.

Tips and tricks

Modify WPS file icon and file association

After installing WPS, the DOC, XLS, PPT and other files in the icon-theme you use will be replaced with the WPS text, ET form, WPP presentation and other icons that come with WPS Office. If you do not need it, you can modify the relevant mime configuration file yourself:

And desktop files:

Processing strategy: WPS's own format is defined by wps-office-{wpp,wps,et}.xml, and others are defined by freedesktop.org.xml. Also modify the MimeType item of the desktop file.

Online Templates For Wps Office

Add the following statement to the package function in the PKGBUILD file:


The default UI of WPS is Qt. In fact, the bundled Qt is 4.7.4, so the themes such as qtcurve cannot be loaded normally because the versions do not match. But we can change it to GTK+ and add the parameter -style gtk+ directly.

Wps Office Invoice Template

You can modify the et, wpp, and wps files in the /usr/bin/ directory and delete it (if any):

Then, add:

Manually repair Kingsoft PDF startup script

The startup script provided by Kingsoft PDF is missing the custom configuration of GTK. You can add it at the beginning of its startup script /usr/bin/wpspdf:

Wps Office Templates

And add ${gOpt} to the subsequent run function, the modified run function is as follows:

Note: Since each upgrade may result in the loss of file modifications, you may consider copying the et, wpp, and wps files to other directories (for example: ~/.local/bin/) and adding them to Environment variables.


Zip template compressed packet garbled

Please install unzip-iconvAUR first, and use the parameter -O gb18030 when decompressing.

formula can not display normally

the display of most Mathematical formula need fonts show below:

ttf-wps-fontsAUR in AUR contain all of these fonts except monotypesorts.ttf, you can install it directly.

Microsoft Office file in KDE Plasma is recognized as Zip

After installing WPS Office, Microsoft Office files will be recognized as zip and cannot open with WPS. You can change this kind of recognition by delete mime file in /usr/share/packages/:

Fcitx input method framework cannot input on WPS

add following lines to /usr/bin/wps/usr/bin/et/usr/bin/wpp separately to add fcitx to Writer, Spreadsheet and Presentation:

Bad integration with dark theme of KDE Plasma

Wps Office Template

Run any of the apps with:

Wps office templates free download

Breeze theme can be replaced with any light theme, i.e. Adwaita, Breath, etc.

After running the app, WPS will show a warning: 'Unable to open 'gtk+'. Ignore it and press Ok.

Fcitx5 cannot input Chinese

This problem appeared in some users after the Chinese version (wps-office-cnAUR) was updated, and it was fixed in wps-office-cnAUR, but some users still need to modify the environment variables (such as .xprofile) file) [1]:

See also

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