Jupyterlab Markdown



Markdown is a simple formatting system which allows you to document your analysis within the notebook. This is also great for creating tutorials and even books as we will see later. It is a plain text format that includes brief markup tags that indicates how text should be rendered, e.g. indicates italics and. indicates bold typeface. Jupyter notebooks are documents that combine live runnable code with narrative text (Markdown), equations (LaTeX), images. In JupyterLab is the same as. JupyterLab Collapsible Headings Collapsible Headings is a helpful extension that lets you make headings collapsible. A selected header cell (i.e. Markdown cell starting with some number of “#”) can be collapsed / uncollapsed by clicking on the caret icon created to the left of header cells or by using a shortcut.

A complete overview of the current JupyterLab keyboard shortcuts:

(click on the picture to view it in full size or download the PDF below)

Notes: The key combinations generally have to be be pressed simultaneously, but a - between one or more keys means that it is a sequence (press them one after another). The Accelerator key is usually mapped to Ctrl.

Jupyterlab Markdown

It is generated directly from the config file, so all combinations are included. Since JupyterLab is still under development some could not yet work. I only changed the order a bit, put related groups close to each other and to make it fit better on the page.You can also download it as PDF here.


The generator is implemented in Node.js, it is also on my Github as jupyter-shortcuts. You can simply clone it, run yarn install and then start it with yarn start-default to use the supplied default config file or yarn start your/changed/config.json to generate it from custom shortcuts. It provides a small http server with the generated page.

The json data can be obtained/edited in JupyterLab through: Settings > Advanced Settings Editor > Keyboard Shortcuts. There is currently (version 0.35.4 as time of writing) no builtin visual settings editor, this might change in the next versions with the shortcutui extension.

Jupyterlab Markdown Preview

Update 2020: I have updated the generator to the new 2.0 config format, here is a current default output: