Mamp Localhost 8888

  • Typing localhost:8888 into my Chrome browser gives me a listing of all of my WordPress sites in my htdocs folder. However when I click on the link for any of the sites, I get the “Error establishing a database connection” message. This is true for any of the links in the listing. This is a new problem for me

Localhost:8888 App Inventor

MAMP installs a local server environment in a matter of seconds on your Windows or macOS computer. MAMP comes free of charge, and is easily installed. MAMP will not compromise any existing Apache installation already running on your system. Getting WordPress installed on your own computer, as if your computer was a webhost’s server, is easy on a Mac with MAMP. If you are on a Windows PC you can use XAMPP. Setting up MAMP and installing WordPress. The following video shows you how to install WordPress on your Mac using MAMP. This can be done in 5 minutes. Jan 04, 2019 With those two numbers in hand, anyone connected to the same network can connect to your new WordPress installation as long as the MAMP server is running simply by going to the IP:Port/wordpress, or for example. The IP and Port will always be separated by a colon. I have been using MAMP for some years now without problems, but suddenly one day MAMP could not find localhost:8888. In preferences, I have set the ports to 8888 (Apache) and 8889 (MySQL). When I try to connect, Firefox and Chrome tells me they can't find the server. James - I guess I just got used to typing 'localhost'. Lol also for some reason the MAMP stack by bitnami doesn't allow me to use port 80, says a program is using that port. I'm not sure what's up with that.


Mamp Localhost 8888 E

  • Possibly the database server process (mySQL) is not running. Does the task manager show it running ? Do your website error and log files say anything, like we know there is an error, but what kind of error ?
    Can MAMP support help ?

    Is MAMP running? Have you updated anything? On a Mac?

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Mamp Localhost 8888 N

  • I am a WordPress novice trying to install WordPress on my machine and am using MAMP.

    I have the Apache Port and the Nginx Port both set to 80 and the MySQL Port set to 3306. When I type “localhost” into the address bar of Chrome, it says “This page isn’t working localhost is currently unable to handle this request.
    HTTP ERROR 500”

    I have reinstalled WordPress and MAMP on my machine several times. I have updated my operating system and am running Catalina 10.15.5.

    I am not sure where to begin troubleshooting this, help is appreciated.

Mamp Localhost 8888 Login

Mamp Localhost 8888
  • Try port 8888

    Look at your error logs :

    Is MAMP running ?

    Is WP installed here :
    Applications > MAMP > htdocs

    Did you start the server ?

    How about this :
    or this :

    Hm, well I’m tapped out of ideas.
    Go back to square one and make sure nothing was missed :

Localhost:8888 Login

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