
Liturgical Calendar for 2021

Welcome. Here, you will find a traditional Catholic calendar containing all the feasts for the current liturgical year. Note that Sundays are marked with bold letters, and each tab provides sorting and searching functionality.

If you would to see the liturgical calendar for 2020, please click here

2 The Ashmolean Latin Inscriptions Project B. Days Instead of describing the date as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so on, the Romans used a very different system. There were three special days in every month: - The Kalends: the first day of the month, when the moon was thin crescent. The place to find Latin Dancing Classes, Events, Festivals, Workshops & more. Come join the thousands of people already using Latin Dance Calendar. Catholic Calendar for the Tradtional Latin Liturgy. Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday.

1Octave Day of Christmas1st class
2Saturday of Our Lady
or Immaculate Heart of Mary
4th class
3rd class
3Most Holy Name of Jesus2nd class
4Feria of Christmastide
or (USA) St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
4th class
3rd class
5Feria of Christmastide
or St. Telesphorus
or (USA) St. John Neumann
4th class
4th class
3rd class
6Epiphany of the Lord1st class
7Feria after the Epiphany
or Jesus Christ the High Priest
4th class
3rd class
8Feria after the Epiphany4th class
9Saturday of Our Lady4th class
10The Holy Family2nd class
11Feria after the Epiphany
or St. Hyginus
4th class
4th class
12Feria after the Epiphany4th class
13Commemoration of Baptism of Our Lord2nd class
14St. Hilary3rd class
15St. Paul, the First Hermit 3rd class
16St. Marcellus I3rd class
172nd Sunday after Epiphany2nd class
St. Prisca
or Votive Mass of the Chair of St. Peter
4th class
4th class
4th class
or Sts. Marius, Martha, Audifax & Abachum
or St. Canute
4th class
4th class
4th class
20Sts. Fabian & Sebastian3rd class
21St. Agnes3rd class
22Sts. Vincent & Anastasius
or (USA) Votive Mass for Peace
3rd class
2nd class
23St. Raymond of Penafort3rd class
243rd Sunday after Epiphany2nd class
25Conversion of St. Paul3rd class
26St. Polycarp3rd class
27St. John Chrysostom3rd class
28St. Peter Nolasco3rd class
29St. Francis de Sales3rd class
30St. Martina3rd class
31Septuagesima Sunday2nd class
1St. Ignatius of Antioch
or Immaculate Heart of Mary
3rd class
3rd class
2Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary2nd class
or St. Blaise
4th class
4th class
4St. Andrew Corsini
or Jesus Christ the High Priest
3rd class
3rd class
5St. Agatha
or Sacred Heart of Jesus
3rd class
3rd class
6St. Titus
or Immaculate Heart of Mary
3rd class
3rd class
7Sexagesima Sunday2nd class
8St. John of Matha3rd class
9St. Cyril of Alexandria3rd class
10St. Scholastica3rd class
11Our Lady of Lourdes3rd class
12Seven Holy Servite Founders3rd class
13Saturday of Our Lady4th class
14Quinquagesima Sunday2nd class
or Sts. Faustinus & Jovita
4th class
4th class
16Feria4th class
17Ash Wednesday1st class
18Thursday after Ash Wednesday3rd class
19Friday after Ash Wednesday3rd class
20Saturday after Ash Wednesday3rd class
211st Sunday of Lent1st class
22Chair of St. Peter
or (FSSP) Chair of St. Peter
2nd class
1st class
23Feria of Lent3rd class
24St. Matthias2nd class
25Feria of Lent3rd class
26Ember Friday in Lent2nd class
27Ember Saturday in Lent2nd class
282nd Sunday of Lent1st class
1Feria of Lent3rd class
2Feria of Lent3rd class
3Feria of Lent3rd class
4Feria of Lent3rd class
5Feria of Lent3rd class
6Feria of Lent3rd class
73rd Sunday of Lent1st class
8Feria of Lent3rd class
9Feria of Lent3rd class
10Feria of Lent3rd class
11Feria of Lent3rd class
12Feria of Lent3rd class
13Feria of Lent3rd class
144th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)1st class
15Feria of Lent3rd class
16Feria of Lent3rd class
17Feria of Lent3rd class
18Feria of Lent3rd class
19St. Joseph, Spouse of the Bl. Virgin Mary 1st class
20Feria of Lent (Sitientes)
or Votive Mass (Anniversary of Coronation of Pope) (transferred)
3rd class
2nd class
21Passion Sunday1st class
22Monday of Passion Week3rd class
23Tuesday of Passion Week3rd class
24Wednesday of Passion Week3rd class
25Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary1st class
26Friday of Passion Week3rd class
27Saturday of Passion Week3rd class
28Palm Sunday1st class
29Monday of Holy Week1st class
30Tuesday of Holy Week1st class
31Wednesday of Holy Week1st class
1Holy Thursday1st class
2Good Friday1st class
3Holy Saturday and Easter Vigil1st class
4Easter Sunday1st class
5Easter Monday1st class
6Easter Tuesday1st class
7Easter Wednesday1st class
8Easter Thursday1st class
9Easter Friday1st class
10Easter Saturday1st class
11Low Sunday (Divine Mercy Sunday)1st class
12Feria in Paschaltide4th class
13St. Hermenegild3rd class
14St. Justin3rd class
15Feria in Paschaltide4th class
16Feria in Paschaltide4th class
17Saturday of Our Lady
or St. Anicetus
4th class
4th class
182nd Sunday after Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday)2nd class
19Feria in Paschaltide4th class
20Feria in Paschaltide4th class
21St. Anselm3rd class
22Sts. Soter & Caius3rd class
23Feria in Paschaltide
or St. George
4th class
4th class
24St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen3rd class
253rd Sunday after Easter
or Rogation Mass
2nd class
2nd class
26Sts. Cletus & Marcellinus3rd class
27St. Peter Canisius3rd class
28St. Paul of the Cross3rd class
29St. Peter of Verona3rd class
30St. Catherine of Siena3rd class
1St. Joseph the Workman1st class
24th Sunday after Easter2nd class
or Sts. Alexander & Companions
or Finding of the Holy Cross
4th class
4th class
4th class
4St. Monica3rd class
5St. Pius V3rd class
6Feria of Paschaltide
or St. John Before the Latin Gate
or Jesus Christ the High Priest
4th class
4th class
4th class
7St. Stanislaus
or Sacred Heart of Jesus
3rd class
3rd class
8Saturday of Our Lady
or Apparition of St. Michael
or Our Lady Mediatrix of All Graces
4th class
4th class
4th class
95th Sunday after Easter2nd class
10St. Antoninus
or Rogation Mass
3rd class
2nd class
11Sts. Philip & James
or Rogation Mass
2nd class
2nd class
12Vigil of the Ascension
or Rogation Mass
2nd class
2nd class
13Ascension of the Lord1st class
14Feria after Ascension
or St. Boniface
4th class
4th class
15St. John Baptist de la Salle3rd class
16Sunday after Ascension2nd class
17St. Paschal Baylon3rd class
18St. Venantius3rd class
19St. Peter Celestine3rd class
20St. Bernardine of Siena3rd class
21Feria after AscensionFeria after Ascension
22Vigil or Pentecost (until Mass exclusive)1st class
23Pentecost Sunday1st class
24Monday after Pentecost1st class
25Tuesday after Pentecost1st class
26Ember Wednesday of Pentecost1st class
27Thursday after Pentecost1st class
28Ember Friday of Pentecost1st class
29Ember Saturday of Pentecost1st class
30Trinity Sunday1st class
31Queenship of Mary2nd class
1St. Angela Merici3rd class
2Feria (Mass of 1st Sunday after Pentecost)
or Sts. Marcellinus, Peter, & Erasmus
4th class
4th class
3Corpus Christi1st class
4St. Francis Caracciolo
or Sacred Heart of Jesus
3rd class
3rd class
5St. Boniface
or Immaculate Heart of Mary
3rd class
3rd class
62nd Sunday after Pentecost
or (USA) External Solemnity of Corpus Christi
2nd class
2nd class
7Feria4th class
8Feria4th class
or Sts. Primus & Felicianus
4th class
4th class
10St. Margaret of Scotland3rd class
11Sacred Heart of Jesus1st class
12St. John of San Facundo3rd class
133rd Sunday after Pentecost
or External Solemnity of the Sacred Heart
2nd class
2nd class
14St. Basil the Great3rd class
or Sts. Vitus, Modetus, & Crescentia
4th class
4th class
16Feria4th class
17St. Gregory Barbarigo3rd class
18St. Ephrem of Syria3rd class
19St. Juliana of Falconieri3rd class
204th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
21St. Aloysius Gongzaga3rd class
22St. Paulinus of Nola3rd class
23Vigil of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist2nd class
24Nativity of St. John the Baptist1st class
25St. William3rd class
26Sts. John & Paul3rd class
275th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
28Vigil of Sts. Peter & Paul2nd class
29Sts. Peter & Paul1st class
30Commemoration of St. Paul3rd class
1The Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ1st class
2Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary2nd class
3St. Irenaeus
or Immaculate Heart of Mary
3rd class
3rd class
46th Sunday after Pentecost
or (USA) External Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul
2nd class
2nd class
5St. Anthony Mary Zaccariah3rd class
6Feria4th class
7Sts. Cyril & Methodius3rd class
8St. Elizabeth of Portugal3rd class
9Feria4th class
10Seven Holy Brothers and Sts. Rufina & Secunda3rd class
117th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
12St. John Gualbert3rd class
13Feria4th class
14St. Bonaventure3rd class
15St. Henry the Emperor3rd class
or Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
4th class
4th class
17Saturday of Our Lady
or St. Alexis
4th class
4th class
188th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
19St. Vincent de Paul3rd class
20St. Jerome Emiliani3rd class
21St. Lawrence of Brindisi3rd class
22St. Mary Magdalene3rd class
23St. Apollinaris3rd class
24Saturday of Our Lady
or St. Christina
4th class
4th class
259th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
26St. Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin2nd class
or St. Pantaleon
4th class
4th class
28Sts. Nazarius & Celsus, St. Victor 1, St. Innocent 13rd class
29St. Martha3rd class
or Sts. Abdon & Sennen
4th class
4th class
31St. Ignatius Loyola3rd class
110th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
2St. Alphonsus Liguori3rd class
or Finding of the Body of St. Stephen
4th class
4th class
4St. Dominic3rd class
5Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major
or Jesus Christ the High Priest
3rd class
3rd class
6Transfiguration of Our Lord2nd class
7St. Cajetan
or Immaculate Heart of Mary
3rd class
3rd class
811th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
9Vigil of St. Lawrence3rd class
10St. Lawrence2nd class
or Sts. Tiburtius & Susanna
4th class
4th class
12St. Clare3rd class
or Sts. Hippolytus & Cassian
4th class
4th class
14Vigil of the Assumption2nd class
15Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary1st class
16St. Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin 2nd class
17St. Hyacinth3rd class
or St. Agapitus
4th class
4th class
19St. John Eudes3rd class
20St. Bernard of Clairvaux3rd class
21St. Jane Frances de Chantal3rd class
2213th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
23St. Philip Benizi3rd class
24St. Bartholomew2nd class
25St. Louis IX3rd class
or St. Zephyrinus
4th class
4th class
27St. Joseph Calasanctius3rd class
28St. Augustine3rd class
2914th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
30St. Rose of Lima3rd class
31St. Raymond Nonnatus3rd class
or St. Files
or Twelve Holy Brothers
4th class
4th class
4th class
2St. Stephen of Hungary
or Jesus the High Priest
3rd class
3rd class
3St. Pius X
or Sacred Heart of Jesus
3rd class
3rd class
4Saturday of Our Lady
or Immaculate Heart of Mary
4th class
3rd class
515th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
6Feria4th class
7Feria4th class
8Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary2nd class
or St. Gorgonius
or (USA) St. Peter Claver
4th class
4th class
3rd class
10St. Nicholas of Tolentino3rd class
11Saturday of Our Lady
or Sts. Protus & Hyacinth
4th class
4th class
1216th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
13Feria4th class
14Exaltation of the Holy Cross2nd class
15Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary2nd class
16Sts. Cornelius & Cyprian3rd class
or Stigmata of St. Francis
4th class
4th class
18St. Joseph Cupertino3rd class
1917th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
20Feria (4th class)
or Sts. Eustace & Companions
4th class
4th class
21St. Matthew2nd class
22Ember Wednesday2nd class
23St. Linus3rd class
24Ember Friday2nd class
25Ember Saturday2nd class
2618th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
27Sts. Cosmas & Damian3rd class
28St. Wenceslaus3rd class
29Dedication of St. Michael the Archangel1st class
30St. Jerome3rd class
or St. Remigius
or Sacred Heart of Jesus
4th class
4th class
3rd class
2Holy Guardian Angels
or Immaculate Heart of Mary
3rd class
3rd class
319th Sunday after Pentecost
or External Solemnity of Our Lady of the Rosary
2nd class
2nd class
4St. Francis of Assisi3rd class
or St. Placid & Companions
4th class
4th class
6St. Bruno3rd class
7Our Lady of the Rosary2nd class
8St. Bridget of Sweden3rd class
9St. John Leonardi3rd class
1020th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
11Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary2nd class
12Feria4th class
13St. Edward the Confessor3rd class
14St. Callistus I3rd class
15St. Teresa of Avila3rd class
16St. Hedwig
or (Canada) St. Marguerite d'Youville
3rd class
3rd class
1721st Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
18St. Luke the Evangelist2nd class
19St. Peter of Alcantara3rd class
20St. John Cantius3rd class
or St. Hilarion
or Sts. Ursula & Companions
4th class
4th class
4th class
22Feria4th class
23St. Anthony Mary Claret3rd class
2422nd Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
or Sts. Chrysanthus & Daria
4th class
4th class
or St. Evaristus
4th class
4th class
27Feria4th class
28Sts. Simon & Jude2nd class
29Feria4th class
30Saturday of Our Lady4th class
31Christ the King1st class
1All Saints1st class
2Commemoration of All Souls1st class
or Daily Mass for the Dead
4th class
3rd class
4St. Charles Borromeo
or (Seminaries) St. Charles Borromeo
or Daily Mass for the Dead
or Jesus Christ the High Priest
3rd class
1st class
3rd class
3rd class
or Daily Mass for the Dead
or The Holy Relics
or (FSSP) Daily Mass for Dead (Deceased FSSP & Confraternity members)
or Sacred Heart of Jesus
4th class
3rd class
4th class
4th class
3rd class
6Saturday of Our Lady
or Daily Mass for the Dead
or Immaculate Heart of Mary
4th class
3rd class
3rd class
7Resumed 5th Sunday after Epiphany2nd class
or Daily Mass for the Dead
or Four Holy Crowned Martyrs
4th class
3rd class
4th class
9Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Holy Savior2nd class
10St. Andrew Avellino3rd class
11St. Martin of Tours3rd class
12St. Martin I3rd class
13St. Didacus
or (USA) St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
3rd class
3rd class
14Resumed 6th Sunday after Epiphany2nd class
15St. Albert the Great3rd class
16St. Gertrude the Great3rd class
17St. Gregory the Wonderworker3rd class
18Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter & Paul3rd class
19St. Elizabeth of Hungary3rd class
20St. Felix of Valois3rd class
2124th Sunday after Pentecost2nd class
22St. Cecilia3rd class
23St. Clement I3rd class
24St. John of the Cross3rd class
25St. Catherine of Alexandria3rd class
26St. Sylvester3rd class
27Saturday of Our Lady
or Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
4th class
4th class
28First Sunday of Advent1st class
29Feria of Advent3rd class
30St. Andrew2nd class

Catholic Traditional Latin Mass Calendar

1Feria of Advent3rd class
2St. Bibiana
or Jesus the High Priest
3rd class
3rd class
3St. Francis Xavier
or (Missions) St. Francis Xavier
or Sacred Heart of Jesus
3rd class
1st class
3rd class
4St. Peter Chrysologus
or Immaculate Heart of Mary
3rd class
3rd class
52nd Sunday of Advent1st class
6St. Nicholas3rd class
7St. Ambrose3rd class
8Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary1st class
9Feria of Advent3rd class
10Feria of Advent3rd class
11St. Damasus I3rd class
123rd Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday)1st class
13St. Lucy3rd class
14Feria of Advent3rd class
15Ember Wednesday of Advent2nd class
16St. Eusebius3rd class
17Ember Friday of Advent2nd class
18Ember Saturday of Advent2nd class
194th Sunday of Advent1st class
20Greater Feria of Advent2nd class
21St. Thomas2nd class
22Greater Feria of Advent2nd class
23Greater Feria of Advent2nd class
24Vigil of Christmas1st class
25The Nativity of Our Lord1st class
26Sunday within the Octave of Christmas2nd class
27St. John the Evangelist2nd class
28Holy Innocents2nd class
295th Day in the Octave of Christmas2nd class
306th Day in the Octave of Christmas2nd class
317th Day in the Octave of Christmas2nd class

By Konstantin Bikos and Vigdis Hocken

The Roman calendar is the ancestor of our modern calendar. Some of its features are still in use today.

What Is the Roman Calendar?

The Roman calendar is the time reckoning system used in ancient Rome. However, because the calendar was reformed and adjusted countless times over the centuries, the term essentially denotes a series of evolving calendar systems, whose structures are partly unknown and vary quite a bit.

Here, we focus mainly on the calendar used in the Roman Republic (509-27 BCE). Also known as the Republican calendar, it is the earliest calendar system from Rome for which we have historical evidence. It was used until 45 BCE, when it was replaced by the Julian calendar.

Based on Ancient Lunar Calendars

The Republican calendar was derived from a line of older calendar systems whose exact design is largely unknown. It is believed that the original Roman calendar was a lunar calendar that followed the phases of the Moon. This basic structure was preserved through the centuries, which is the reason why we use months today.

Only 10 Months at First

According to tradition, Romulus, the legendary first king of Rome, oversaw an overhaul of the Roman calendar system around 738 BCE. The resulting calendar, whose structure borrowed heavily from the ancient Greek calendar system, had only 10 months, with March (Martius) being the first month of the year. The winter season was not assigned to any month, so the year only lasted 304 days, with 61 days unaccounted for in the winter.

Republican Calendar Adds January and February

Following another calendar reform, which later Roman writers attributed to Romulus' successor, Numa Pompilius, the Republican calendar was instituted. To account for the days of winter between the years, two additional months were introduced: Ianuarius and Februarius.

This meant that some of the month names no longer agreed with their position in the calendar. For example, September means “the 7th month,” but it was now the 9th month of the year—an inconsistency that was preserved and is still part of the Gregorian calendar we use today.

A common year was now divided into 12 months of different lengths: 4 “full” months with 31 days, 7 “hollow” months with 29 days, and 1 month with 28 days.

The Leap Month, Mercedonius

The Republican calendar year lasted for 355 days, which is about 10 days shorter than a tropical year, the time it takes Earth to revolve around the Sun. To keep the calendar in sync with the seasons, a leap month called Mercedonius or Intercalaris was added in some years—normally every two to three years.

By custom, the insertion of the leap month was initiated by the pontifex maximus, the high priest of the College of Pontiffs in ancient Rome. However, this system was vulnerable to abuse. Since the Roman calendar year defined the term of office of elected officials, a pontifex maximus was able to control the length of his term simply by adding a leap month.

Traditional Latin Calendar

When Julius Caesar became pontifex maximus, he ordered a calendar reform which eliminated leap months and resulted in the implementation of the Julian calendar in 45 BCE, the direct predecessor of today's Gregorian calendar.

Calends, Nones, and Ides

The Roman calendar highlighted a number of days in each month:

Washington Latin Calendar

Charlotte latin calendar 2020-2021
  • Calends (Kalendae) were the first days of each month. The name is derived from the Greek word καλειν, to announce, which may initially have been used in the ancient lunar calendar to “announce” the day of the New Moon (or the first sliver of the Waxing Crescent Moon).
  • Ides (Idus) occurred one day before the middle of each month. Depending on the month's length, it fell on the 13th or 15th day. In the lunar calendar, the Ides marked the day of the Full Moon.
  • Nones (Nonae) fell on the 7th day of 31-day months and on the 5th day of 29-day months, marking the day of the First Quarter Moon.

These markers were used to number the days in each month, counting backward from the upcoming Calends, Ides, or Nones. The count always included the day of the marker. For example, the 11th day of Martius would be known as “Five Ides” to the Romans because it is the fifth day before the Ides of Martius, which fell on the 15th day.